Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 3 With an Indian Mother

Being that I am unemployed at the moment, I have a lot of time to think and reflect on day to day life. So, with this apartment being tiny and having your future mother-in-law breathing down your neck, there is not a lot of time to stare off into space. If Mrs. Singh sees me daydreaming, no doubt she will direct me to do something. So, often times I stare at my computer, clicking and typing aimlessly when she walks by. I do have a purpose at the computer, but everybody needs a break sometimes. Anyway, having a lot of down time is great sometimes, but when you have three people living in a confined space, this down time is not so attractive. Needless to say, Mrs. Singh and I have chatted a lot. This is not the easiest task in the world for two people who don't speak the same language, but we seem to be doing fairly well and I really enjoy it. She is actually much more open that I thought she would be, and has no fear in trying to communicate. She does know a fair amount of English, and I have picked up a teensy, weensy bit of Hindi, so when you add hand gestures and body language to the mix, quite a bit of communicating can get done. Now, I am not suggesting that it is clear all the time. The stuff that we don't understand would probably almost outweigh what we do, but we manage.

Ohhh the things I have learned in just a few weeks! Whether or not these things are true or useful, I have still to decide. The majority of what I have been told has to do with health. Every spice, food, herb, etc. has some great nutritional or healing power to it, and many others are portrayed as evil. The way these things are eaten also affects their value. Apparently, I should not eat bananas in the morning time because they are a cold food and they will make me constipated. Then, garlic must be consumed raw in the morning, as if taking a pill, as well as put in all meals to get the great value from it. I have also been nagged for days that I should place 5 or 6 almonds in my boyfriends lunch everyday to increase brain functioning. Now, I know that almonds are great for memory and they are tasty, but, of course, when and where my boyfriend would like to eat these almonds with is not up for discussion.

One night, while waiting for my boyfriend to get home from work, she showed me the contents of an entire Hindi magazine about health. We flipped page after page, looking at which food, spice, herb, was good for what. Of course, I couldn't read or understand a single word in that magazine, but I sit back, look at the pretty pictures, and nod my head in agreement. Mrs. Singh explains everything to the best of her ability, and most gets understood, but I spend a lot of time nodding my head back and forth, whether I agree or not.

to be continued tomorrow...

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