Monday, April 27, 2009

A Gulp of Sunshine

Don't let the title fool you--this is not as cheery as it sounds. The latest trip to the cinema was to see the film Sunshine Cleaning staring Amy Adams, Emily Blunt, and Alan Arkin. I saw a preview for this film quite a while ago and thought it looked intriguing, but hadn't gotten around to seeing it. This past Sunday, my boyfriend and I got the chance to run down to Santana Row in San Jose to see it. When first seeing the preview, it looked as though it was going to be a little reminiscent of Little Miss Sunshine (down to the bright title), which frankly made me want to see it. Of course, after seeing it I discovered it wasn't really like Little Miss Sunshine, except for the appearance of Alan Arkin and a similar sort of dark humor. The concept of cleaning up after crime scenes was really intriguing and looked horribly disgusting, but I guess one can get used to anything! So anywho, I really enjoyed the whole movie from beginning to end, and watched intently as if I was waiting for something to happen the whole time. It gave me that feeling that something big was about to happen, but in the end those "big" moments weren't all that big. Of course, they were good turning points, but parts were quite predictable. The parts that made the movie more enjoyable were the small, less "big", and bold moments. The moments of characters interacting and sharing intense, emotional moments. Though the film was a little predictable, the characters were great and the humor was quick and clever. I think that Emily Blunt really stole the show, being vulnerable, yet tough in a hilarious fashion. While, Amy Adams was good, I feel as though Emily Blunt and Alan Arkin really made this film glow. All in all, I really enjoyed this film, but not nearly as much as the other "Sunshine"!

Slice: Lemon meringue with fresh strawberries