Monday, October 19, 2009


Recently us public people have been inundated with fear from the swine flu! I, myself am becoming increasingly paranoid about this phenomenon. Why I wonder? I blame the media! Yes, that evil, devilish thing rears its' ugly head again! When I have problems, I can just blame the media! Well, obviously I am being sarcastic, but in all honestly I think I can actually blame the media. Since flu season is now upon us, everywhere I go I see ads for flu shots. Via television, online, word of mouth, and pharmacies everywhere I have the fear of the flu inside of me! No, I do not have any symptoms, but does that stop me from popping vitamin c drops every five minutes? Of course not!

I am not an unreasonable woman, and I do realize that my personality might have something to do with this paranoia. Maybe I am slightly more worried than the next person, but then same old argument comes up: nature vs. nurture? Well, most people would agree that it is a mixture from both columns and that is a discussion for a different blog. Anyway, yes the swine flu is a horrible thing causing an epidemic in this country, but after reading more about it I have discovered that most people can get over it just like a regular flu. So why so paranoid? Well, its the word "most" in "most people" that worries me and the actual deaths that have occurred from it. Authorities say that we should not automatically run to the emergency room the moment we feel symptoms coming on. Well, sure! Now that you have instilled deep fear in us through repetitive and relentless media coverage, you are expecting us to NOT run right to the hospital? Balderdash, I say! Also, they say that 2 million H1N1 shots have been shipped today and that distribution has begun. But, yet again that ugly media monster has told me that the vaccine will be delayed here in Northern California! Whaaaa? And then that always wanting to help people thought hits me when that local news tells me that children, elderly, and health care workers should have it before anyone else. So now I am thinking that I shouldn't even get it! Ugh, so confusing!

This being said, being paranoid clearly is not going to help. If I keep thinking that I am sick or am going to be sick, I am sure I really will get sick So, while I am popping vitamin c constantly, and drinking glass upon glass of water, I know that I need to just to calm down and get a grip. So, have I listened to my own advice? Yes...for now! Thank you mass media for making me unable to watch the local news before bedtime. Cheers.

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